Basic Paragraph Writing
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Topic Sentence/Closing Sentence
No Topic Sentence. The closing sentence is not included or does not directly relate to the the topic sentence.
The question is not restated and is unclear. The closing sentence is included but does not directly relate to the topic sentence.
The question is restated but is unclear. The closing sentence directly relates to the topic sentence.
The question is restated and is clear. The closing sentence directly relates to the topic sentence.
Supporting Sentences
Paragraph has no supporting sentences that relate back to the topic sentence.
Paragraph has one supporting sentence that relates back to the topic sentence.
Paragraph has two supporting sentences that relate back to the topic sentence.
Paragraph has three supporting sentences that relate back to the topic sentence.
Elaborating Detail Sentences
The supporting sentences have no elaborating details sentences.
One elaborating detail sentence is present.
Two elaborating detail sentences are present.
Three elaborating detail sentences are present.
Mechanics: Spelling
Paragraph has 6 or more spelling errors.
Paragraph has 3-5 spelling errors.
Paragraph has 1-3 spelling errors.
Paragraph has no spelling errors.
Mechanics: Capitalization and Punctuation
Paragraph has 5 or more capitalization errors. Paragraph has 5 or more punctuation errors.
Paragraph has 3-4 capitalization errors. Paragraph has 3-4 punctuation errors.
Paragraph has 1-2 capitalization errors. Paragraph has 1-2 punctuation errors.
Paragraph has no capitalization or punctuation errors.

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