Flat Stanley Algebra
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Decorate Flat Stanley
Flat Stanley not decorated at all
Flat Stanley is sloppily decorated
Flat Stanley is only decorated on one side, creatively and neatly
Flat Stanley is fully decorated, front and back,creatively and neatly
Flat Stanley poses with Consecutive Integer Problems
Flat Stanley doesn't pose with any Consecutive Integer Problems
Flat Stanley poses with 1 or 2 consecutive integers
Stanley poses with 3 consecutive integers
Stanley poses with 4 or more consecutive integers
Flat Stanley Poses with an Inequality
Stanley doesn't pose with an inequality
Stanley poses with an inequality with only 1 or 2 of the required elements
Stanley poses with an inequality with just 3 of the 4 required elements
Stanley poses with an inequality, solves it, graphs it,and checks it
Flat Stanley Works on Compound Statements
Flat Stanley doesn't do anything on compound statements
Flat Stanley Finds the truth value of each statement, then the truth value for the compound statement
Flat Stanley Finds the truth value of only 1 statement
Flat Stanley Finds the truth value of each statement but not the truth value for the compound statement
Flat Stanley Poses With Places that Math is Found
Flat Stanley doesn't Pose With Places that Math is Found
Flat Stanley Poses With only 1 or 2 Places that Math is Found
Flat Stanley Poses With 3 Places that Math is Found
Flat Stanley Poses With 4 Places that Math is Found

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This rubric is from www.TeacherJet.com