How to Draw Using Algebra
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Equation Type Identification in Drawing
Unable to correctly identify different types of equations in their drawing.
Able to correctly identify only two different types of equations in their drawing.
Able to correctly identify at least three different types of equations in their drawing.
Able to correctly identify four or more different types of equations in their drawings.
Connection to General Equation Format
Unable to connect the equations to general format.
Able to connect two of the equations to general format.
Able to connect three of the equations to general format.
Able to connect four or more of the equations to general format.
Uses simple, not very complex equations in drawing created. Follows very general format of equation formula.
Uses a combination of simple and somewhat complex equations in drawing created. (Heavy simplicity)
Uses a combination of simple and somewhat complex equations in drawing created. (Heavy complexity)
Uses complex equations in drawing created. Does not follow very general format of equation formula.
Combination of Types Equations
Only selects one type of function to find the equations of (e.g. line, parabola, etc.).
Selects two different types of functions to find the equations of.
Selects three different types of functions to find the equations of.
Selects four different types of functions to find the equations of.
Unable to explain how they found equations. Does not include details in regards to what parts needed to be found in order to put the full equation together.
Slightly able to explain how they found equations. Lacking some detail in regards to what parts needed to be found in order to put the full equation together.
Able to explain how they found equations. Details in regards to what parts needed to be found in order to put the full equation together were present but not clearly defined.
Fully able to explain how they found equations. Includes clear, full detail in regards to what parts needed to be found in order to put the full equation together.

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