Math Assessment Rubric
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Knowledge and Understanding
Demonstrates limited: -knowledge of specific math facts, terms, and procedures -understanding of concepts
Demonstrates some: -knowledge of specific math facts, terms, and procedures -understanding of concepts
Demonstrates considerable: -knowledge of specific math facts, terms, and procedures -understanding of concepts
Demonstrates thorough: -knowledge of specific math facts, terms, and procedures -understanding of concepts
Problem Solving/Thinking
Demonstrates limited problem solving skills -limited understanding of problems -little evidence of a plan -does not arrive at an answer/includes major errors -difficulty identifying errors/faulty conclusions/insufficient evidence -limited explanations of the answer
Demonstrates some problem solving skills: -some understanding of problems -some evidence of a plan -partial or incorrect solution/several errors -some ability to check back for errors/partial conclusions/some evidence -partial explanations of the answer
Demonstrates considerable problem solving skills: -considerable understanding of problems -evidence of appropriate plan -solves problem correctly/few minor errors/sufficient evidence -evidence of identifying errors/appropriate conclusions -complete and clear explanation of the answer
Demonstrates thorough problem solving skills: -thorough understanding of problems -evidence of a thorough plan -flexibility when carrying out the plan/tries one or more strategies to solve the problem/includes no errors thorough reviews plan/thoughtful conclusions/all available evidence -explanations of the answer
-Provides limited explanations/lacks clarity or logical thought -disorganized material -uses very little math vocabulary -use of graphs/charts/diagrams etc. ineffective -no units symbols/labels etc. are present
-partial explanations/some clarity and logical thought -some organization -uses some math words -use of graphs/charts/diagrams etc. with some accuracy -some units/symbols/labels etc. are present
-complete, clear, logical explanations -effective organization -considerable math words -use of graph/charts/diagrams etc. are clear and accurate -most units/symbols/labels etc. are present
-through,clear, insightful explanations -highly effective organization -broad range of math words -use of graphs/charts/diagrams etc. that are clear, precise, and effective -all units/symbols/labels etc. are present
-difficulty using math knowledge and skills to solve familiar problems -difficulty transferring math knowledge and skills to unfamiliar problems -limited connection to prior learning -limited flexibility in thinking -limited connection to the outside world
-some ability to apply math knowledge and skills to solve familiar problems -some ability to apply math knowledge and skills to unfamiliar problems -some connection to prior learning -some flexibility in thinking -some connection to the outside world
-considerable ability to apply math knowledge and skills to solve familiar problems -considerable ability to apply math knowledge and skills to unfamiliar problems -considerable connection to prior learning -considerable flexibility in thinking -considerable connection to the outside world
-sophisticated ability to apply math knowledge and skills to solve familiar problems -sophisticated ability to apply math knowledge and skills to unfamiliar problems -sophisticated connection to prior learning -sophisticated flexibility in thinking -sophisticated connection to the outside world

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