Multiplying with Seeds
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Completion of the Parts of A Seed Worksheet
Student did not label the worksheet at all.
Students did not label the worksheet correctly.
Student labeled half or the worksheet.
Student labeled the worksheet correctly
Class Participation
Student never contribute to class by offering ideas and asking questions.
Student rarely contributes to class by offering ideas and asking questions.
Student contributes to class by offering ideas and asking questions as least once during class.
Student contributes to class by offering ideas and asking questions more than once during class.
Followed Directions
Student did not follow directions given by the teacher.
Student rarely follows directions given by the teacher.
Student occasionally follows directions given by the teacher.
Student followed all directions given by the teacher.
Create Neat Artwork
Student did not complete project.
Student did not complete half of the project.
Student completed at least half of the project.
Student completed and produced the project as directed.
Student almost always displays disruptive behavior during the class.
Student occasionally displays disruptive behavior during the class.
Student rarely displays disruptive behavior during class.
Student almost never displays disruptive behavior during class.

Teacher Comments:


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