Performance Task: Elapsed Time
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Student includes at least 4 daily activities on their poster.
Student does not complete task.
Student includes at least 2 daily activities.
Student includes at least 4 daily activities
Student includes more than 4 daily activities
Student correctly writes the digital and analog start and end time for the events
Student does not write a start or end time for the event. Student does not write the correct time on the analog clock for the start and/or end time
Student correctly labels the digital and analog start time and end time for at least 2 events.
Student correctly labels the digital and analog start and end time for all 4 events
Student correctly labels the digital and analog start and end time for more than 4 events.
Student is able to determine the amount of elapsed time to the hour, half hour and quarter hour
Student is not able to determine the elapsed time for each event.
Student is able to determine the correct elapsed time for two events.
Student is able to determine the correct elapsed time for all four events.
Student is able to determine the correct elapsed time for more than four events.
Student followed all directions to complete their performance task.
Student did not follow directions.
Student followed some directions to complete their performance task.
Student followed all directions to complete their performance task.
Student followed all directions to complete their performance task.

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