Prek-Mathematics: Numeracy
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Students will be able to discriminate numbers from other symbols by pointing out the numbers in the classroom/activities four out of five times.
Student identifies some numbers as letters.
Student identifies a few numbers.
Student identifies numbers as numbers with an occasional error.
Student always identifies numbers as numbers without error.
Student will be able to rote count expressively to 10 without skipping a number.
Student does not count to 10.
Student will count to 10 and skips several numbers
Student will count to 10 skipping less than two numbers.
Student will count to 10 without skipping any numbers.
Student will be able to recognize numbers by expressing them in the classroom and/or activities 1 to 5 without assistance.
Students can recognize two numbers.
Student can recognize three numbers
Student can recognize four numbers.
Student can recognize numbers 1 to 5.
Student will be able to recognize numbers 1 to 10 when playing games without assistance.
Student can recognize 6 out of 10 numbers.
Student can recognize 7 out of 10 numbers.
Student can recognize 8 out of ten numbers.
Student can recognize all numbers 1 to 10.
Student will be able to count for own purpose during the school day in one or more performed activities without assistance
Student will count with teacher's assistance.
Student counts once during the day.
Student counts more that one time during the day.
Student counts more than two times per day.

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