Skittles Project
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Students will be able to collect and organize all data needed to complete a bar graph.
Students have collected little to no data. No organization evident.
Students have collected and organized some data. Little evidence of organization of data in a logical manner.
Students have collected and organized half of the data correctly. There is evidence of logical organization of data.
Students have collected all data correctly. All data is organized in a logical fashion.
Students will transfer all data correctly into a bar graph. The graph must include a title, correctly labeled sides, and colored bars to display all data.
Students have little to no data transferred into a bar graph.
Students have transferred some data correctly. Graph is incomplete with no labels. Title, or color coded bars.
Students have transferred most data correctly. The graph is titled and labeled corrected. Bars are colored.
Students have transferred all the data correctly. The graph includes a Title and all side are labeled correctly. Bars are color coded with vibrant matching colors.
Students have displayed all the data in a clear and neat fashion. The graph is labeled and colored neatly.
Information is poorly written and is unable to be read. Bars are not colored defining clear lines making data difficult to read.
Some data can be read with ease. Bar lines are touching and difficult to read.
Most information is written neatly and easy to read. Most bars are neatly defined and easy to read with nice spacing between bars.
Students have displayed all the data in a clear and neat fashion. The graph includes a Title and labels. The bars are spaced nicely, colored clearly, and easy to read.

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