What Comes Next?
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Students demonstrate an understanding of patterns and how patterns grow and describe them in general ways:
limited, lowest quality, poor, beginning, unsatisfactory, not there yet, little evidence, needs improvement.
Some, basic, emerging, Some evidence, fair, capable, satisfactory.
Accomplished, developing, proficient, constant evidence, very good, considerable.
Exemplary, high degree, strong, advanced, displays evidence beyond, best quality, excellent, exceeds.
Recognize, describe , and extend patterns and determine a next term in linear patters (e.g. 4, 8, 12... : the number of ears on one horse, two horses, three, horses, four horses).
limited, lowest quality, poor, beginning, unsatisfactory, not there yet, little evidence, needs improvement
Some, basic, emerging, Some evidence, fair, capable, satisfactory.
Accomplished, developing, proficient, constant evidence, very good, considerable.
Exemplary, high degree, strong, advanced, displays evidence beyond, best quality, excellent, exceeds.
Student created their own pattern
limited, lowest quality, poor, beginning, unsatisfactory, not there yet, little evidence, needs improvement
Some, basic, emerging, Some evidence, fair, capable, satisfactory.
Accomplished, developing, proficient, constant evidence, very good, considerable.
Exemplary, high degree, strong, advanced, displays evidence beyond, best quality, excellent, exceeds.

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